A Guide to Disposable Overshoes

Disposable overshoes are covers that slip over your shoes to use as PPE, to make your shoes waterproof, and protect carpets and other floor surfaces.

What are disposable overshoes?

Disposable overshoes, otherwise known as shoe or boot covers, are used as PPE, as they slip on over your shoes to prevent contamination to both the environment and yourself. They are generally used to keep the area you are walking into clean, especially in sterile environments.

Multicoloured disposable overshoes
When should you wear overshoes?

There are multiple scenarios when you should wear overshoes. They are used mainly by the medical and construction industries but have been used by many others as well as individuals to keep the environment they are working in clean, and in some cases keep their shoes dry as they are waterproof.
  • Health care professionals will primarily use disposable overshoes when working in sterile areas because it is an easy way to ensure that the environment remains sterile. They are considered a form of PPE because they reduce the risk of cross contamination, help to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria, and make it easier to manage bodily fluid spills.
  • Construction workers, such as builders and carpenters, as well as people undertaking a DIY project will use disposable overshoes to protect the flooring of their worksite, if it is inside someone’s home. This is because it will reduce the risk of dirt and stains being left on the carpet, especially by dirty work boots.
  • Estate agents may use overshoes for a similar reason to construction workers. If they are showing a house to prospective buyers, they may not take the time to take their shoes off and put them back on, instead choosing to slip the overshoes on to protect the flooring.
  • Some people choose to make use of the fact that disposable overshoes are waterproof and use them to protect their shoes and keep them dry in the rain.
  • Food production areas commonly use overshoes as well for similar reasons; so that the area remains clear of any dirt and germs that may otherwise be tracked in. This helps them to maintain high hygiene standards.

When should you change disposable overshoes?

You should change your disposable overshoes whenever you move from one place to another to reduce the risk of cross contamination. For example, if you had to leave a sterile area in the hospital and then returned, you would need to take off the old disposable overshoes as you leave and replace them when you return.

The benefits of disposable overshoes?

Using waterproof disposable overshoes

There are many benefits of disposable overshoes, the main ones being:
  1. Ensuring a sterile environment. This is done through presenting less risk of cross contamination as you are then unable to track potentially harmful material to a different area. They are also used, by forensic teams for example, to prevent material being brought in from outside.
  2. Protecting your feet and shoes, either from the elements or from chemicals and bodily fluid.
  3. Disposable overshoes are very durable considering they are only designed for single use. It is difficult for them to rip and tear under normal situations.
  4. They can improve customer relations. If your job involves going into other people’s homes on a frequent basis, it may improve your relationship with those customers if you cover your shoes so as not to track dirt through their homes.
  5. They are efficient. It is more time consuming to remove your shoes and then put them back on again, instead of slipping some covers over them. They are also very easy to put on and take off.

People wearing disposable overshoesWhy should you have a dispenser for disposable overshoes?

If your company has an area that will require the use of disposable overshoes for everyone who enters, having a dispenser outside would mean that they are readily available. This will ensure that everyone, including visitors, have access to the equipment and will not need to spend time looking for them, particularly in emergency situations.


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