A Guide to Crepe Bandages
Bandages are one of the most integral inclusions in any first aid kit and serve multiple uses in first aid – they come in various types, each with different benefits. Crepe bandages are washable and reusable cotton wraps that compress injuries and support the healing process.
The Best Uses of Cohesive Bandage
Cohesive bandage are commonly found in sports first aid kits having many uses, particularly on the football pitch, such as holding shin guards in place and providing compression support for soft tissue injuries.
A Guide to Compression Bandages
A compression bandage is a stretchy bandage designed to help support and treat injuries by restricting blood flow. They are commonly used to treat sports injuries and soft tissue injuries, such as sprains and strains.
How To Use Triangular Bandages Triangular bandages are one of the most underrated parts of a first aid kit, that can have multiple uses in emergency situations. Read more!