The eyes are both precious and vulnerable. Should the eye be contaminated by chemicals or particles, it’s important to be able to treat them fast. Eye wash serves as an alternative to clean running water and is a must for many workplaces. We offer a range of eye wash bottles & pods
as well as kits & stations and dressings to suit your needs.
Eye Injuries in the Workplace
Eye injuries are common in many industrial workplaces and can be caused by dangerous materials or chemicals entering the eye. These injuries are serious and can lead to irreparable damage and loss of vision, but they aren’t the only way your eyes can be damaged at work.
Eye Wash and Eye Baths: A Guide to Flushing Your Eyes
Our eyes are delicate and vulnerable, and the consequences of damage to them can be devastating. The first step is to make sure all measures are taken to protect the eyes in the first place – generally safety goggles or glasses should be used for any activity or job that has the potential to damage the eyes.