Plaster Dispensers: Perfect For The Workplace
What is a plaster dispenser?

Plaster dispensers are used to store and provide single plasters ready to use for wound treatment. They contain either boxes of plasters or strips of them, some of varying sizes and types while others dispense a single type of plaster.
There are specific types of plaster dispensers as well, depending on your needs. The main type is a pilferproof plaster dispenser, which is designed to help with cutting down on the loss of supply when people take plasters without needing to.
They are always placed within reach, so that they are easily accessible and always to hand should someone need a plaster.
 An image of a Salvequick Plaster Dispenser

The benefits of using a plaster dispenser

There are many benefits to using plaster dispensers; not only are they easy to use and set up, but they reduce your waste and allow you to reduce the amount being pilfered.

1. They limit pilfering

The pilferproof plaster dispenser allows you to limit the number of plasters being taken without being needed. It is possible to have it set up so that the backing of the plaster is partially removed as it is pulled out of the dispenser as well.

2. It's easy to useAn image of a Salvequick plaster dispenser

Plaster dispensers are designed to allow you to easily remove plasters. For example, if you were only able to use one hand to remove the plaster from where it was being stored this would be easy to do with designs like the Cederroth Salvequick Pilferproof Plaster Dispenser. These dispensers have the plasters come out with one side uncovered so not only are you able to remove them from the dispenser single handed, but you can also apply them with only one hand as well.

3. They protect plasters from damageAn image of a Cederroth Plaster Dispenser

Another benefit of a plaster dispenser is their ability to protect the plasters and their packaging from further damage from the elements. The plastic covers, like on a Cederroth Salvequick Wound Care & Plaster Dispenser, protects the contents from things like damp and dust.

4. It's easy to spot when they need refilling

It is easy to see when your supplies are running low in plaster dispensers as well because of how visible they are. This makes it ideal for checking regularly to ensure that the plasters are fully stocked.

5. They reduce your wasteAn image of a Salvequick Plaster Dispenser

In a similar vein, plaster dispensers are great for cutting down on waste as instead of buying a new container each time, you can quickly and easily refill them. This also allows you to decide if you require a different variety of plasters as well, in case you want to swap the location of your dispenser at the same time as replenishing it.

There are multiple refill packs available to buy such as detectable plasters for kitchen use, and textile plasters.

6. They ensure supplies are available when needed

When plasters are needed, normally you will have to spend some time searching for a first aid box that is tucked away somewhere safely. However, with a plaster dispenser it will cut down on the time spent looking for the supplies as it will be fixed to a wall, clearly visible and ready to use.
 An image of someone putting on a plaster

Where should you keep a plaster dispenser?

You should keep a plaster dispenser somewhere easily accessible, ideally in a location that you think will require a lot of plasters regularly.
If there is somewhere in your business that you consider likely to need easy access to plasters more frequently depending on hazards and other factors, it is best to place a plaster dispenser in this area.
Make sure that it is not placed on the floor, otherwise they will likely create clutter and could be a trip hazard, causing more accidents than it is fixing. Ideally have your plaster dispenser fixed to a wall at a convenient level for all staff to be able to reach should they need to.
  An image of a plaster dispenser on the wall

More information on plasters

Read the below articles for more information on the different types of plasters and their uses.
Read our other blogs for more information on first aid or contact us for further advice and information on our products.